There’s always wars to be won,
another mountain to climb,
with rattlers underfoot
and wild flowers to behold.
They soldier on with a fistful
of hand grenades, after a lifetime
of fear, euphoria, confidence
and confusion.
Now, they must prepare
for the world they don’t know.
Leaving bodies for compost,
their souls will discover
that junky love won’t help.
Good loving lights the way
to a place where you no longer
look at your watch.
Like on Fire Island, no cars allowed.
Everyone walks or rides a bike.
Smiling faces explain:
nobody speaks.
Sign language will do.
Bodily functions have ceased;
only reciprocal orgasms persist.
Everyone is stunningly creative.
and all art has an infinite shelf life,
Forget about reincarnating on Tahiti
surrounded by native beauties
with watermelon-size bosoms.
They will have no choice in the matter.